We offer a unique residential option for people with developmental disabilities and mental illness through their Adapted Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Adapted-DBT) residential model. This program provides an evidence-based treatment option for people with Borderline Personality Disorder or characteristics of this disorder in a 24-hour in-home environment.
The Adapted-DBT residential program is holistic in its approach in that its application of Adapted-DBT for client treatment and staff development mirrors each other, thus encouraging clients to generalize skills application to their natural environment. Systematically, it emphasizes close adherence to the guidelines of the communication and action among clients and staff individual therapy.
Clients participate in one-on-one therapy on a weekly basis with a qualified dialectical behavior therapist. Therapy emphasizes behavioral analysis, problem solving and skills application. Clients also participate in a Adapted-DBT group skills training (which has been adapted for persons with developmental disabilities) where they learn and practice mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance skills.
Staff receive intensive Adapted-DBT Skills Training, participate in client treatment teams, and have access to weekly staff process groups to receive consultation from program therapist as needed. Clinical and Administrative Staff meet regularly to address program and staff development, client treatment progress, and adherence to Adapted-DBT protocols.
This program provides a working model for close coordination of residential services with community mental health resources, with a focus on decreasing utilization of crisis-related and inpatient mental health services. Intensive staff training, development and support is critical to the success of the Adapted-DBT Residential Program. Staff turnover and client utilization of crisis-related services have both decreased significantly since the inception of this staff development.